Business Continuity Plan


Capital Choice Financial Services, Inc. (CCFS) has developed a Business Continuity Plan to be able to continue conducting business in the event of a significant business disruption or disaster.  As the timing and frequency of disasters and disruptions are both unpredictable, we will exercise flexibility in responding to actual events as they occur. This Business Continuity Plan Disclosure Statement provides a summary of CCFS’s risk mitigation strategy in the event of an interruption to our daily conduct of business.

Since CCFS does not maintain custody of client funds or securities, we would direct you to the product provider for your investments to obtain the latest information on your positions and funds.  You can locate contact information for each product provider on their respective website.

CCFS ’s business continuity plan is aimed at responding to a significant business disruption by protecting its employees and assets, assessing its financial and operational capability, and rapidly instituting recovery measures to resume operations—and therefore allow our customers to conduct business as soon as possible—while  protecting the firm’s books and records.

Our business continuity plan anticipates two kinds of business disruptions: internal and external. Internal disruptions affect only our firm’s ability to communicate and do business, such as a disastrous event that might occur on or to our business premises.

External business disruptions prevent the operation of the securities markets or a number of firms, such as a terrorist attack, or a wide-scale, regional disruption. Our response to an external business disruption relies more heavily on other organizations and entities with whom we have agreements.

In the event of a significant business disruption, either external or internal, CCFS will establish an orderly dependency list and immediately begin communicating relevant information to our clients, employees, product providers, critical business constituents, critical banks, critical counter-parties and regulators. The communication options we will employ may include email, telephone (mobile and fixed line), US postal mail service, and our website.

All mission-critical systems, as defined in our plan document, are backed up by a third-party vendor on a regular basis and stored at an offsite location, and we are able to access a backup from the internet if necessary.

Despite our efforts to create an ideal business continuity plan and therefore be able to address business disruptions with a greater degree of preparation, we acknowledge the unpredictable nature of disasters and the impossibility of anticipating every possible catastrophic scenario.

We are confident that our measures will allow us to continue conducting business with minimum impact to our clients and business partners.  However, we cannot discount the possibility of an adverse effect to our operations by a third party’s inability to cope with the business disruption.

If you have any questions about our business continuity plan, or would like a copy, please contact us at (706) 453-1995.

Updated: 10/09/2017